Lost  (tagged articles)

The keyword Lost is tagged in the following 6 articles.

2016, Vol. 8 No. 08
Two conflicting modes of living—happiness pursued obediently (Godly) versus happiness pursued disobediently (Satanic)—produce persistent problems with conceptions of free will in John Milton’s Paradise Lost. The Godly mode of happiness... Read Article »
2014, Vol. 6 No. 12
Spiritual autobiographies have a long and rich history as a form of memoir, beginning at about 397AD with the release of Saint Augustine’s Confessions. Since this time, many spiritual works have evolved out of this tradition and are still... Read Article »
2014, Vol. 6 No. 10
David Eggers’ What is the What is a memoir about the life of Valentino Achak Deng and his personal experience with warfare, famine, and disease in his home country of Sudan and the neighboring countries he travels through as a refugee. Eggers... Read Article »
2012, Vol. 4 No. 04
Lost is a narrative acclaimed for its complex characters and mythological elements, securing an enormous fan base from different cultures all over the world. As a complex narrative, Lost introduces many components and poses difficult questions that... Read Article »
2011, Vol. 3 No. 05
Perusing famous works of literature, one would be hard pressed to find a volume that does not concern itself with the relationship of a creation to its creator. It is a central concern of most religious texts, as well as much of the narrative literature... Read Article »
2010, Vol. 2 No. 02
The story of mankind's fall from Eden as written by John Milton in his epic poem Paradise Lost portrays a classically heroic Satan and a modern hero in God's Son, Jesus Christ. While Satan fits the archetype of an epic hero, he is in fact showing... Read Article »

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